Xlufz: A web service that highlights selected words on a web page

Use Xlufz (results open in a new tab):

The Xlufz service can be accessed at xlufz.ratnakar.org/xlufz.php. Here are some examples:

This service is used by Exet, a free and open source web app for crossword construction, to show setters suggestions for cryptic indicators related to the theme of the clue surface that they might be toying with.

Xlufz is an open source project with the MIT license. It can be accessed here on Github.

As can be seen from the examples above, you pass the URL of the web page as a URLEncoded parameter named srcurl. All other parameters that you pass are used for word selection in the Datamuse words API.

Only a small set of web pages can be processed by Xlufz. You can easily modify the code to change this set and run your own instance of Xlufz. This set currently consists of the following URL roots:

Xlufz uses the excellent and versatile Datamuse words API. Please refer to its documentation to see how you can modify the word selection parameters to highlight words that have a certain letter pattern, or rhyme with something, etc.